Saturday, May 28, 2016

At a Glance Of Narsingdi District

1Aria of Narsingdi District.Narsingdi is bordered by Kishoreganj in the north & north-east, byBrahmanbaria in the east & south-east, Narayanganj at south & south-west and by Gazipur in the west.
2Distance from dhaka cityBy Highway Road 57 km, and by Train 55 km.
3Size3360.59 squre km
4PeopleTotal 2224944 According to census 2011
5People per squre km1658
9Number of Village1095
10Number of Mouja624 (RS)
13The total amount of land275333 Acor
14Number of voters1347023 people (2014 to date), Men -6,65,790 and Female 681233 people
15The number of polling stations381
16Constituency (Parliament)5
17Grain tightness196.00%
18Surplus food production2365 Matric Ton
19Primary School746
20Secondary school136
21Lower secondary school39
22TIM P1
23Technical Schools16
25Literacy Rate45.00%
26Birth Rate1.27%
27Death Rate0.38%
28The number of hospital7
29Total road2425 km
30Paving591 km
31Semi pucca189 km
32Raw Road1588 km
33Railway road57 km
34Small Industries16731
35Heavy industry28
36Ceramics industry50
37Industrial area1
38Jute Mills12
40Cenama hall10
41The number of NGOs working in30
42The number of mosques2094
44Number of Rest House7
45Union land office71
46Fire brigade Office6
47Total road in Upazial411 km
48Total road in Union560 km

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